
Education and Policy

Educational resources

Understanding the Middle Years Podcast

In this podcast for the Student Wellbeing Hub, Professor George Patton of CATS discusses the importance of the the middle years for health and emotional development. Click here to listen.

Dunn, A. (2017) The New Puberty. Melbourne University Press. Melbourne, Australia.

'The New Puberty' explores the big challenges and complex questions for school-aged children growing up in today's world. Amanda Dunn uses evidence-based research and input from the experts to lend a helping hand to young people and their parents, during this complicated stage of life.

Fact Sheet: Transitioning from childhood to adolescence

The CATS study, in conjunction with the Response Ability initiative, have produced a fact sheet about supporting students in the transition between childhood and adolescence.

The Student Wellbeing Hub

The Student Wellbeing Hub is a comprehensive online resource compiled by the Department of Education with the help of academics and experts, for the use of parents, teachers and students across Australia.

Participants and Parents

Support Services

We know that young people can sometimes experience difficulty in their lives. We have included some helpful support services if you would like some additional support or information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you take a saliva sample? remove

In Grades 3, 5 and 6 we collected a small sample of saliva from CATS participants. This allowed us to see if the hormonal changes of puberty had begun. These hormones involved in puberty are present in all children of late primary-school age and upwards. We collected another sample in Year 11 once most CATS participants had reached later stages of puberty.

If you would like to know more about this process please contact the CATS team.

What is iCATS and how is it different from CATS? remove

iCATS is an extension of CATS. The iCATS team are investigating the relationships between health and puberty by looking at brain development. iCATS collects information and takes images of the brain from 120 students who take part.

If you’d like any further information you can get in touch with the iCATS team:

SMS - 0405 581 085 | Phone - (03) 8344 1845 or 0405 581 085 | Email - [email protected]

I’m having trouble with my questionnaire. Where can I get help? remove

If you're stuck on the password page, the password to all questionnaires is your date of birth written as dd-mm-yyyy.

If this doesn't answer your question, feel free to call us on (03) 9345 6732, SMS on 0410 636 104 or email us at [email protected].

I want to contact the CATS team. When are they available? remove

You can reach the team Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Call, text or email us!

If we don’t pick up, leave a message and we’ll get right back to you.

I am interested in using CATS data for my research. What should I know? remove

Here are the Child to Adult Transition Study (CATS) Data Sharing Guidelines:

The CATS cohort holds a wealth of valuable data that can be used to advance knowledge about child and adolescent health. Appropriate reuse of these data is not only cost-efficient, given the large investments already made in data collection, but also ethical, with no additional burden on participants.

At our discretion, derived data that has been scored and calculated from validated measures will be provided. Individual item level data will only be provided where no derived data exists, or when a reasonable explanation for its use is provided. We will not share any data that could lead to the re-identification of our participants.

What criteria will be used to evaluate my data access application?
• Suitability of the proposed project given the available data;
• Alignment of the project to the purpose and strategic plans of the cohort;
• Redundancy with other work planned or in progress; and
• Scientific quality of the proposed work.

What is expected of me for the process of data sharing?
• A clear analysis plan to be shared with CATS investigator team;
• Participation in the Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) process- which culminates in a signed, approved contract between both institutions prior to data being shared; and
• The collaborative inclusion of a CATS team member.

How can I apply for access to CATS data?
Please complete your online data access application via LifeCourse.

Child to Adult Transition Study – sharing of summary statistical data

Data Uses Exclusions of Liability
CATS data are provided by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in good faith, and for the benefit of the research community. The original data have been supplied through our research projects but have not been separately verified by MCRI. Users must themselves verify the accuracy and content any information (including in respect of ownership of any intellectual property rights) obtained through CATS in advance of its use for any purpose. MCRI, any expert reviewers and curators hereby exclude any and all liability, including without limitation under any laws of contract, tort (including negligence) or statutory duty or otherwise, and do not accept any liability or responsibility for uses made of the Data. No provision of this disclaimer shall operate to limit or exclude liabilities which cannot by the applicable laws of the State of Victoria be so limited or excluded.

I am a researcher. Can we collaborate? remove

If you are a researcher and interested to collaborate with the CATS team please get in touch with Carolina Murphy.

I am a participant. How do I update my contact details? remove

If you have recently moved or have changed your contact details, please let us know by either calling (03) 9345 6732, sending an email to [email protected], or you can click here to update your details online.

Does CATS have ethics approval? remove

Yes, CATS has ethics approval from the Royal Children’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any concerns and/or complaints about the project, the way it is being conducted or your rights as a research participant, and would like to speak to someone independent of the project, please contact: Director, Research Ethics & Governance, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne on (03) 9345 5044.

Are my answers private? remove

Yes. All of the data we collect from you are saved with an ID number, not your name. Only our research team have access to it, and when we use it we only see your ID number so can't tell who it came from. We present all of our findings in a way that no individual person or school can be identified.